“Mirror mirror, on the wall, who’s the most beautiful of all?” You can never be too beautiful or too thin, but can you ever be beautiful enough? Are we fixated on beauty and the means and methods to achieve it? Michael St. Amand offers a stirring and evocative look at our yearning for a flawless appearance with SLAVE TO VANITY.
The media shows us perfect beauty every time we turn on our television or open a magazine. We are constantly bombarded with images of pop-culture figures—singers, actors, athletes and other celebrities—being made-up and air-brushed to the nth degree, lest there be a hint of imperfection. Is our fixation on our appearance a good thing, or have we gone too far? Have we become SLAVES TO VANITY, obsessed with our own beauty, locked in front of our mirror?
Visit: www.slavetovanity.com for more
The four paintings: Versace, Armani, Deutcher Glamour & Maybelline were created as a part of the installation with the original "Slave To Vanity" from magazine advertisements from the various vendors, The colors used were to match the vanity and red chair. The formats were made as a series of four blocks to sit together with the vanity.